Welcome to the Adobe® ActionPack CD-ROM! On each CD you will find: * Adobe Acrobat® Reader software * Apple QuickTime software The Adobe ActionPack is in Portable Document Format (PDF): YOU MUST INSTALL THE ACROBAT READER TO VIEW THE ACTIONPACK INTERFACE! Note: the "ReadMe" folder on this CD contains copies of this ReadMe file in French, German, and Spanish. ============================================================ INSTALLING THE ACROBAT READER ============================================================ The Acrobat Reader gives you instant access to the PDF documents contained on this CD. With the Acrobat Reader, you can view, print, and navigate any PDF file. W I N D O W S® - To install Acrobat Reader 3.0 on your hard drive, from the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu; type [drive]:\acrobat\rdr_srch\16_BIT\setup.exe - For Windows 95, open My Computer, mount the CD-ROM drive, and open the Acrobat Reader folder [drive]:\acrobat\rdr_srch\32_BIT\setup.exe. Click on the Setup icon. This will open the Windows installation Wizard. - Follow the instructions on your screen. - Installation requires approximately 3 MB of free hard-disk space. M A C I N T O S H - To install Acrobat Reader 3.0 on your hard drive, double-click on the Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 folder after mounting the CD-ROM. - Double-click on the ‘Reader 3.0 Installer’ icon. - Follow the instructions on your screen. - Installation requires approximately 3MB of free hard-disk space. After installing the Acrobat Reader, open the "Welcome.pdf" file to open the ActionPack interface For the latest information about the Acrobat Reader software, including installation notes, refer to the "ReadMe" file inside the Acrobat directory. ============================================================ INSTALLING QUICKTIME ============================================================ The Adobe ActionPack contains movies that require QuickTime software to play. We have provided version 2.5 of QuickTime in the directory named "QuickTime" on each CD. W I N D O W S There may be conflicts if you have earlier versions of QuickTime installed on your system. To avoid these conflicts, the Installer can find any earlier versions you may have by selecting START in the "Check Existing Versions" dialog box. - To install QuickTime on your hard drive, from the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu; type; [drive]:\Qucktime\QT16.EXE - For Windows 95, open My Computer, mount the CD-ROM drive, and open the QuickTime folder [drive]:\Qucktime\QT32.EXE. Click on the Setup.exe icon and view the ReadMe file for more information. - Follow the instructions on your screen. M A C I N T O S H - To install QuickTime on your hard drive, click on the Adobe icon after the CD-ROM mounts. Open the "Apple QuickTime 2.5" folder. - Double-click on the Installer icon and follow the instructions on your screen. View the ReadMe file for more information. ============================================================ ADOBE ACTIONPACK INTERFACE ============================================================ The Adobe ActionPack interface is in PDF, therefore you must install the Acrobat Reader to view the interface. Click on the "Welcome.pdf" file in the CD window to open the interface. Click on the Help icon for information on how to navigate through the interface. WEB LINKS ============================================================ Within the ActionPack interface are links to the World Wide Web. These links will remove you from the ActionPack file, launch your Web browser and/or ISP program, and connect you to the specific page(s). These Web links will not work if your system is not configured for Internet access with a modem, ISP, network card, etc.). ============================================================ CD 1 ============================================================ On CD 1—Graphics, you will find a selection of free clip-art images, stock photos, Web graphics and typefaces from Image Club™ Graphics, as well as animated GIF files from Fortune Hill. IMAGE CLUB GRAPHICS STOCK ART ============================================================ You must read the Image Club Licensing Agreement before using the clip-art images, stock photos, Web graphics, and typefaces contained in the "Image Club Graphics" folder. Your usage of the items assumes you have read and agreed to the terms of the licensing agreement. FORTUNE HILL ANIMATED GIFS ============================================================ Fortune Hill Inc. World Headquarters Tokyo Building, 1-5-6, Koraibashi, Chuo-Ku Osaka, 541 Japan U.S. Contact: Sam Moore 814 Glendover Cove Lexington, Kentucky 40502 Phone: (606) 269-0933 Fax: (606) 268-2724 Email: samoore@best.com WildRiver SSK Copyright © 1996 Fortune Hill, Inc. and WildRiver Systems, Inc. Anim@X Copyright © 1996 Fortune Hill, Inc. and Silicon Cafe, Inc. ============================================================ CD 2 ============================================================ On CD 2 Plug-Ins, you will find Extensis(R) PageTools, Extensis PhotoTools, and Vertigo(R) 3D Words plug-in software. EXTENSIS PLUG-IN SOFTWARE ============================================================ End User Support Extensis Corporation 1800 SW First Avenue, Suite 500 Portland, Oregone 97201 Phone: 503-274-7030 Extensis, the Extensis logo, Extensis Fetch, Mask Pro, PageTools, PhotoTools and VectorTools are trademarks of Extensis Corporation. Intellihance is a trademark of DPA Software and contains trade secrets of DPA Software. VERTIGO PLUG-IN SOFTWARE ============================================================ Attn: Customer Support Vertigo Technology Inc. 1255 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6E 2V1 Canada Phone: 1-604-684-2113 Fax: 1-604-684-2108 http://www.vertigo3d.com Vertigo, Vertigo 3D Words and Vertigo 3D Dizzy are trademarks of Vertigo Technology Inc. © 1997 Vertigo Technology Inc. All rights reserved. ============================================================ CD 3 ============================================================ On CD 3—Learning, you will find tips and techniques for getting the most out of Adobe software, including design tips from The Cobb Group, QuickTime training videos from Personal Training Systems and Virtual Training Company, and PDF files of expert tips, customer spotlights, Adobe product brochures, frequently asked questions, books from Adobe Press, and sales and service information. THE COBB GROUP ============================================================ The Cobb Group 9420 Bunsen Parkway Louisville, Kentucky 40220 Copyright ©1997. The Cobb Group. All rights reserved. The Cobb Group and its logo are registered trademarks of Ziff-Davis, Inc. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS TUTORIALS ============================================================ Personal Training Systems 1005 Hamilton Court Menlo Park, California 94025 800-832-2499/415-614-5950 ©1997 Personal Training Systems. All rights reserved. "Personal Training" and the Personal Training Systems logo are registered trademarks of Personal Training Systems. All other product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and no rights therein is claimed by Personal Training Systems. VIRTUAL TRAINING COMPANY TUTORIALS ============================================================ Virtual Training Company, Inc. 2086 Walsh Ave S.B. Santa Clara, California ============================================================ ADOBE EUROPE AND ADOBE PACIFIC RIM CUSTOMERS ============================================================ The "ReadMe" directory provides information on where to buy Adobe products in Europe and the Pacific Rim countries. In addition, End User License Agreements to use this CD are provided for all European countries. You must read and agree with the terms of your corresponding End User License Agreement before using and/or installing the software on these CDs. If you have any questions regarding the European license agreements found on this CD, or if you wish to request any information from Adobe in Europe, please use the address information enclosed in this product to contact the local Adobe subsidiary serving your country or write to Customer Support Department, Adobe Systems Europe Limited, Adobe House, Mid New Cultins, Edinburgh, Scotland EH11 4DU, United Kingdom, telefax +44-(0)131-453-4422. For more information about Adobe products in North America, please call Adobe Systems at 800-833-6687. Outside North America, contact your local Adobe distributor or call 206-628-2749. Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose, California 95110-3704 USA Adobe, Acrobat, and Image Club are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Macintosh and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.